'Jan Zonder Vrees' op sokkel in Westdorpe WESTDORPE - Voor het verzorgingshuis aan de Bernardstraat in Westd #Zeeland http://bit.ly/KPh9XN
Van Gogh’s Sterrennacht met dominostenen http://dlvr.it/1n6QfT
How lucky are we to be hosted by Badali Jewelry at #SDCC? Extremely lucky. Our other host? Weta Workshop!!! http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2012/06/28/57914-badali-jewelry-returns-to-comic-con-with-torn-as-guests/ Can't wait!
We went on a #LOTRO Quest to the Northern parts of Middle-earth. Join us by reading about it and listening here: http://bit.ly/lotroq02
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